Mzwandile R. Nunes Lecture on Bread Theology & Economic Justice

 2017, October

A brief CV of Thulani Mthalane:
- He is currently the African National Congress (ANC) Councillor in the PMB District
- He worked for PACSA for many years focusing on Redemptive Masculinities and the Establishment of Men's network in the fight against GBV
- He has extensive experience in the Faith Based sector focusing in the area of GB and Social Movements

Mzwandile Lecture notes 

 2016, October  

2015, November

Faith and Development – A socio-economic journey from Apartheid to Liberation.

Rev Sipho Mtetwa, Faith Based Manager, Office of The Premier, KZN

Here is a summary of the Lecture, written by Martin Mujinga

You can find the presentations and other resources under 'resources'. 

 2014, August

Was conducted by Dr Allan Boesak- Theme: "Just, Brave Men: Luthuli, Mandela and the Jericho Road". click here page to see details on 
Dr. Allan Bosken -2014 Mzwandile Memorial Lecture   

 Dr. Allan Boesak
 2010, October

This lecture was given by Clint Le Bruyns
The title of the lecture was: Religion and the Economy in the Public Realm: From the RDP of the economy to the RDP of the soul?

 2009, May 

This lecture was given by Ala Alazzeh (Dar Al-Kalima College, Palestine).
The title of the lecture was: Global Economic Crisis: Implications for Palestine and the South.

Here is an article about Ala Alazzeh (RTF file) from the Witness newspaper.


This lecture was given by Jim Cochrane (University of Cape Town, South Africa).
The title of the lecture was: Work, Decency, Being Human: Justice to Come (DOC file).

Dr Allan Boesak- Theme: Annual Mzwandile Memorial Lecture -“Just, Brave Men: Luthuli, Mandela and the Jericho Road”Mzwandile Memorial Lecture (August 2014)Mzwandile Memorial Lecture (August 2014)26 August 2014Mzwandile Memorial Lecture (Oct 2010)
Mzwandile Memorial Lecture
(Oct 2010)
RePligion and the Economy in the Public Realm:
from the RDP of the economy to the RDP of the soul?
Clint Le Bruyns
Stellenbosch University
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